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Is Burning Sage Witchcraft?

Is Burning Sage Witchcraft?

Is Burning Sage Witchcraft? – Sage is used in many cultures in healing. But it became more popular due to the New Age beliefs. It is very often used in esoteric practices, in rituals and ceremonies. And it is also very popular among Wicca practitioners. But Is Burning Sage Witchcraft? The answer is not as simple as it might seem for the first look.

Is Burning Sage Witchcraft?

Is Burning Sage Witchcraft

First of all, burning sage, itself is not witchcraft. It is not a sin and it is not punished by The Bible. In fact, burning sage isn’t even mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. In case you wondered What Does The Bible Say About Burning Sage.

But the intention you have in mind when you burn sage is the one that complicates everything. Because The Bible don’t see burning sage as a witchcraft, if you do it make your home smell good. Or to heal your lungs or throat from a cold. But when you do it to work with the energies, then it becomes witchcraft. According to The Bible.

Witchcraft is every ritual that is done to contact the spiritual world, to manipulate the spiritual and physical world, to work with energies and vibrations, protection and many more.

The Bible is clear about the New Age beliefs. If you are a Christian, then you should know that believing in energy, auras, protection from evil energies, house cleansing with sage and other ceremonies are witchcraft. Because God is the only one who can protect you from the evil. And He is the only one who can heal you, not the smoke of a sage. God protects you and your family, not that protection bubble created by burning sage.

Is Burning Sage Witchcraft?

In conclusion, the answer to the question Is Burning Sage Witchcraft? Is complex. If you burn sage to enjoy its fragrance is not witchcraft. But if you burn it to clean your aura, your energies, your house or in any other esoteric purposes is witchcraft according to The Bible. Therefore, next time someone offers you Saging A House, think twice. Because a prayer to Archangel Michael might be a better option. He is the protecting archangel. He fights the evil forces and protects you and your family.

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