What is Kemetic Spirituality? – Shrines and The 11 Laws of God
Kemetic Spirituality – also known as Kemetism or KMT Spirituality. It is a neo-pagan religious movement. It was created to restore the ancient Egyptian religious practices. This religion becomes more and more popular. We can also find it under the name of Neterism or Egyptian Neo-Paganism. Kemetic Spirituality consists of the worship of Egyptian deities. The followers of Kemetism set-up altars for their deities and offer them food and prayers.
Kemetic Spirituality altars or shrines – Importance and Materials
Every follower of Kemetism has its own shrine at home. They visit their shrine daily for prayers and food offerings. But how does a Kemetic shrine look like? Well, every shrine is dedicated to a certain Egytian deity. So, before making a shrine, you have to establish its purpose. A key material on every Kemetic shrine is a small statue of the deity that it is made for. You also need bowls for the food offerings. Other materials seated on the shrine are candles and candle holders. But you can also use incense and crystals.
Kemetic Spirituality – The 11 Laws Of God from the Ma’at
These principles are fundamental for those who follow Kemetism. They appear in Ma’at: The 11 Laws Of God written by Amen.
Law of Amen – it explains that we were all created as peaceful beings. Therefore, our natural state of being is in peace. And we should all seek it, so we can enjoy our lives.
Law of Ausar – this principle talks about how there are many disturbing events in our lives. But we should always maintain our peace. And to gain wisdom and power from every experience.
Law of Tehuti – it talks about the importance of reflecting the Word Of God in our actions, thoughts and even feelings. It fills us with the peace and power of God.
Law of Sekher – it explains that if our emotions are in concordance with the Word of God, then we are invincible. Because then we influence the whole world.
Law of Ma’at – this principle talks about the importance of loving God. If you love God, then you will be able to love others. And God will manifest in this world through your love.
Kemetic Spirituality
Law of Herukhutt – it specifies that God doesn’t influence your life Therefore, he will not punish, rewards or even protect you. So you control your own life and destiny.
Law of Heru – this principle talk about the importance of following the Laws of God. Because we have the power to ignore them. But we don’t have the right to do so. The laws are the only way to show love and adoration.
Law of Het-Heru – it talks about the importance of discovering your divine being. And the power of imagination.
Law of Sebek – this principle talks about the power of affirmation and thinking. And how it makes us special.
Law of Auset – it talks about the fact that every human being is a vessel for God on earth.
Law of Geb – it talks about the importance of not becoming materialistic. Because we originate from heaven. And we will return to heaven.
Kemetism may seem a weird religion for a Christian. But it recognizes the same God or Creator. Therefore, the followers of Kemetic Spirituality consider themselves monotheistic.