Michael The War Angel
Michael The War Angel – his name means “Who Is Like God”. And he is the greatest and most powerful angel in every religion that he is present in. Archangel Michael is the ruler of the choir of Virtues. He is also the chief of the archangels. Michael The War Angel leads the Heavenly Army in The War in Heaven against the fallen angels. And he is also the conqueror of Satan.
Michael The War Angel – in The Bible
Michael appears 3 times in the Old Testament. And he is mentioned only by Daniel. In his visions after fasting, he saw Michael as the patron angel of Israel. Also, the archangel tells him that he will arise during the end times.
Archangel Michael also appears in The New Testament. The Book Of Revolution describes Michael as the stronger between the celestial beings. And as the conqueror of Satan. As a result, Michael thrown Satan and his fallen angels (Azael and more) to earth. Without any rights to go back to The Kingdom of Heaven.
Another battle between Michael and Satan is mentioned in Epistle of Jude 1:9. And many believe that the archangel who heralds the second coming of Christ in the First Epistle to the Thessalonians is Archangel Michael. Though, he is not mentioned by name.
The War In Heaven
Michael The War Angel had a big part in The War in Heaven. But what is this Heavenly War?
In The New Testament, most exactly in The Book of Revelations, there is a part describing a great war in Heaven between the angels. The war was started by Lucifer who turned against God. He found other angels to support him, and he turned them into his army of angels. Michael leaded the army of angels who fought for God. As a result, Michael The War Angel, the most powerful angel, conquered Lucifer or Satan. Then all the angels who turned against The One and True God were thrown down from Heaven to Earth. Where the battle continues between them. Michael still has the responsibility to protect us humans from the evil forces.
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